Ways YOUR POBA Assists Churches
By providing a mutually supportive fellowship of churches; 1
By helping each church fulfill its mission; 1
By encouraging a commitment to mission, both as individual churches & as churches together; 1
By extending the work of the churches through cooperative activities; 1
By providing a basis for mission strategy for the Associational territory; 1
By providing a channel of missions and other services for church members as church groups or individual Christians; 1
By facilitating communications between the churches and the conventions - state & national; 1
By supporting the pastors and other staff members. 1
By providing a voice or representation to other denominations and to the social, educational, economic, and political structure of the communities; 1
By providing research and demographic information
Partner for Church Planting2
Finding planters
Locating facilities
Forming partnerships
Church Health2
Leadership Development
Doctrinal Purity2 Equipping & Resources for…
Ordination Councils
Credential Committees
Deacon and Minister ordination
Addressing non-Baptistic practices
Giving to Expand the Kingdom2
Share VBS training and workers
Disaster response opportunities
By encouraging agreement on doctrinal and practical issues that are basic to fellowship and consistent with mission; 1
1 A Baptist Association Churches on Mission Together - JC Bradley - p.19
2 The Baptist Association Assisting Churches. Advancing the Gospel - Ray Gentry p.22-26
Evangelism Equipping & Resources
Evangelism Trailer
Sunday School Equipping & Resources
Vacation Bible School Equipping & Resources
Continuing Education
Bible Training Centers for Pastors
Disciple-Making Equipping & Resources
Minister Wellness
Encouragement & fellowship for ministers & their spouse
Assist ministers with retreats
Moral & Civic Concerns
March for Life
State & national election issues
Music Ministry
Music minister fellowship
Music festival to encourage instrument use in the church
Royal Ambassadors
Race Car Derby
Senior Adult Ministry
Created for Worship Hymn Sing
Youth Ministry
Youth minister fellowship
Launch back-to-school
Church Revitalization
Churches assisting sister churches
Missions Equipping & Resources
The SBC Missionary & Missions
Partnership Missions
Connecting churches to the mission field
Prayer Equipping & Resources
Prayer Guide for POBA Churches
Bless Every Home
National Day of Prayer
Woman’s Missionary Union
food ministry support
Crisis Relief
provided resources for churches struggling
financially due to crisis
Disaster Relief
receive & distribute resources for disaster teams
Hispanic Ministry
Churches partner to deliver care packages &
Bible study
Partnership Missions
Recovery Ministry
Special Projects
New church plants
Domestic & international trip help for pastor/
missions pastor/missions team leader
Missionary support for long term missionaries out
of POBA churches
Messenger assistance for pastor to GBC or SBC
Emergency use by POBA